Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Rochester Perinatal Education

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Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting Program: Mind in Labor Intensive - Weekend

Looking for birth and parenting education that prepares you for more than just the day you give birth?

Mindfulness skills are for life.

Having a baby is often one of the most transformative experiences in a person's life. No matter how they go, pregnancy, labor and birth are intense, both physically and emotionally, preparing one for the journey of parenting.

During the intensive weekend, you will learn to:

  • Engage your mind to work with the sensations of labor and birth.
  • Begin to develop skills for managing stress in pregnancy, parenting and daily life.
  • Access physical and mental relaxation.
  • Become more aware of your own approach to parenting.
  • Practice hands-on techniques for working with discomfort during pregnancy and labor.

These objectives are best met through daily mindfulness practice. For optimal success, you are encouraged to practice mindfulness skills as much as possible before delivery.

If you are interested in Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting it is recommended you take either the 5-week series9-week series or this intensive weekend.

The intensive weekend runs Friday 6:30-9:30pm, Saturday 9:30am-4:30pm and Sunday 9:30am-4:30pm of the same weekend. Only the class start date (Friday) is listed below for registration.

It is recommended that you register early in your pregnancy for this intensive weekend and ideally start it after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

This intensive weekend pairs well with other prenatal classes within Perinatal Education. For first time expectant parents we recommend the Childbirth Preparation: Prenatal 4-week series or Weekend series, Infant Passenger SafetyArt of Breastfeeding and Pumping, Infant CPR and Baby Care Basics classes.

All registered participants will receive a confirmation email within one hour after registering (be sure to check your e-mail junk folder if you don't see the e-mail in your inbox). Please contact us immediately (phone: 507/266-7473 or email: if you do not receive an email.

Please also note: Partial fee discounts for the MBCP 9-week or Mind in Labor Intensive Weekend are available for those who plan to deliver at a Mayo Clinic or Mayo Clinic Health System site. Discount can be requested at checkout.

Additionally, if either expectant parent is a member of the military, please contact our program directly at the above e-mail or phone number for registration.

Additional information

Time: 9:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. / 6:30p.m. to 9:30p.m.
Length: Friday, 6:30-9:30pm; Saturday/Sunday 9:30am-4:30pm
Fee: $190 ($95 if planning to deliver at a Mayo or MCHS location - request discount at checkout)

Choose start date

Please log-in to your account to sign up for a class. If you don't have an account click here to register.

For information on registering, cancellation policy, payment policy, etc. please click here.

Day Date Type Location Fee Vacancies Map
Friday June 6, 2025
(6:30p.m. to 9:30p.m.)
In Person Classroom $ 190.00 9 View